Politics, Kucinich

How to Save The World For 20 Bucks

Originally Published April 4, 2003
When I was bonkers that John Edwards, a pro-War democrat, was ahead in the Democratic Polls.


“All the things I could do - if I had a little money – It’s a Rich Man’s World.”
Donna’s Lament in “Mamma Mia”

If you like the war, you can skip this column.

Let’s get right to the point. We are in grave danger, which means there is unbelievable opportunity. But you, not that guy next to you, not your mother in law, you, have to be part of creating it.

Back in the day, when I was just a wee right wing person, I coughed up my baby-sitting money to join the Young Americans for Freedom. Because we conservative folks didn’t march, we opened our wallets and sent the bucks to the causes we believed in. Because: money, money, money, carefully given, is power. Peaceniks marched, went home and never played like a team. Petty disputes and rivalries made them weak. We, on the other hand, gave and we gave and we gave. And eventually we won.

I come from a right-wing perspective. With discipline and money, anything is possible. Because Money talks. It says: I care, I vote, I am angry, and you, politician, are the one who will pay if you don’t listen to me . And early money talks the loudest.

Dig this. While millions were marching for peace, the pro-war Demo candidate was raising millions of dollars and now is the frontrunner. Does that make you ill? Then stop marching around for a minute and take out a crisp twenty dollar bill and send it to Dennis Kucinich, Democrat Ohio, running for Prez unashamedly and unabashedly on a Peace platform. Even if you like somebody else. Give Rep. K your latte money for one week. Why? Because the man stood on the floor of the House last week in his oversized suit and demanded that we stop the war. He ain’t running for cover. He’s running for peace.

Lemme be clear. You don’t have to love or like Mr. Kucinich. You can be conservative, liberal, green, or blue. You can vote for somebody else and never learn how to spell his name. That’s not the point. The point is, if you hate this war, stop being irrelevant. Open your wallet and ACT. The point is, Kucinich’s views are so clear and fearless that your twenty bucks will speak loud and clear. It will say: no war. No War. No damn war.

Look, nobody takes the peace movement seriously. But if two million people who are shocked and awed by what is happening to our country send Kucinich twenty bucks, they will take you plenty seriously. The press core will plotz. The timid who are running will be left in the dust. The peace agenda will rocket to the front pages, just like George W. did in 1999 when he and his cronies raised 37 million 18 moths before the election. Your views will stop being described as those of a “small minority”. You will change the world.

Ok, Larkin, how are we going to pull this off? Easy. But it has to be a team effort, guys. If 100 people will send the bucks and tell three people to do the same, by the 14th round of 3 people telling 3 people, 459,000,000 people will have received the message. By the 19th, round, the entire population of the earth will have received the message five times. Send this column to your email list. Let’s create an e-mail chain letter, right outta Mill Valley, that spreads and grows like a web of hope to counteract the circle of pain, hatred and despair that grows with every bomb we drop on the cradle of civilization. . It can be a tidal wave for peace that nothing can stop. So that we can stand proud again.

People are excited. Everybody I have asked has surfed over to
www.Kucinich.us to cough up the price of a CD and gotten 3 other people to do likewise. Because it will work. Because we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let’s go, team, get out there and Get This Done!

Tell them the Coach sent you.
©2003 Adrienne Larkin